Thursday, February 4, 2010


The Second Movie I decided to watch was Platoon. Directed by Oliver Stone in 1986. Which won an Academy Adward for best picture along with 3 other awards that year. Platoon is a war movie which takes place during the Vietnam War. So when a naive rookie joins the squad he quickly realizes that war is hell and right away regrets his enlistment into the military. The rookie name is Chris Taylor played by Charlie Sheen, he his not what you would call soldier material. He college drop out rich kid who voluntarily join the army while everyone else was drafted, simply because he wanted a different experience out of life so why shouldn't the rich people do their part in the war. The movie is basically about his experience and his part in the war. Thorought the movie he narrates what is going on and what he feels through letters that he writes to his grandmother. I personally think that part is kind of cheesy that his writting to his grandmother throughtout the movie, but I guess it shows the reality within the characters.

This Movie has many characters and many famous actors in it. Taylor's Platoon consits of soldiers named King played by Keith David, Big Harold played by Forest Whitaker, Rhah played by Francesco Quin, Bunny played by Kevin Dillon, Junior played by Regggie Johnson, Francis played by Corey Glover, Lerner played by Johnny Depp, Crawford played by Chris Pedersen, Gardener played by Bob Orwig, Manny played by Corkey Ford, Tex played by David Neidorf. The main characters in the movie though are Chris Taylor of course played by Charlie Sheen, Sgt Elias played by Willem Dafoe, Sgt. Barnes played by Tom Berenger, and Sgt O'neil played by John C mcginley.

The Characters all in all acted and potray the characteristic that your typical soldiers back then would have, they had all types of characters in their platoon. You got your typical redneck bastard who just enlist to shoot something which is Bunny which Kevin Dillion did a good job in doing because alot of actors over do the part that they play as a hick and it looks fake, but Kevin Dillion did just enough where you bought it. You also have the chill mellow guy in the squad that everyone likes because he brings a postitive attitude/energy and raises morale a bit which is Keith David Character King. Now Keith David I personally think is an amazing actor and you can take him serious in every role he plays. Now some actors I think over did their part for instance Tom Berenger who played Sgt. Barnes he did a good job but he over did it and he wasn't really clear when he spoke it was like he was grunting for most scenes, and what with all the scars come on. John C McGinley character Sgt O'Neil I didnt really get his character he was really like up and down throught the whole film so it was kind of sketchy he didn't do that good of job as i felt that he could have. Charlie Seen Character Chris Taylor was kind of the same way he was really on and off one second he is a scared rookie next he is going insane trying to be a bad ass hero and also it seem like he was trying to be funny at times. But I dont really care for Charlie Sheen as an actor he tries to be funny when hes not. The only person that I think was same through and through and did an amazing job was Willem Dafoe with his Character Sg. Elias, I bought his role and he sold it good as the good guy/hero you could say. Which is why he won best supporting actor.

This movie I would say is very time comsuming and somewhat confusing if you don't know whats going on. Its long but I enjoy somewhat it I got to be honest I didnt care too much for the story which is basically that the two commanding officers in the platoon are fighting with each other and cause basically you could say a civil war within the squad causing soldiers to pick sides. All because Sgt. Barnes kill an innocent civilian and some of his men where acting like savages and Sgt. Elias did not approve of it so after them getting into a fist fight he threatens to write a report about what he and his men done to the captain and Barnes threatens for him to not. And that when the conflict occurs. Other then that there are some action packed scenes not as much as I would like but it would do. This movie does a good job of showing the intesity and realization of the Vietnam War, not only with the setting and the battles but within the charaters themselves because war changes people drastically.

Platoon may not be the best war movie of all time in my book but its pretty good. So I say go watch it that is if you have time because its a long one.

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